Save The Music Version 3.0

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Become a Volunteer

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Volunteer your time to help Save The Music for the enjoyment and education of future generations.

The project launched by World Media Networks® is tremendous. Many hands and many voices must work together if we are to reach our goal of creating a library of folk music and music books from different cultures and making it all available throughout the world via the Internet.

At every point in this process volunteers are needed. Perhaps you have a special talent or some kind of expertise that will help bring the music alive.

Here is a list of some of the ways you can help:

  • Spread the word through local media
  • Spread the word in your local community
  • Direct friends and family to
  • Gather or donate old recordings
  • Help out with mass mailings
  • Host gatherings and events to raise funds
  • Help us write press releases
  • Help us research bios of authors, writers, and performers
  • Help us file the music
  • Help us find private sponsors for specific tasks or collections
  • Help us find corporate sponsors
  • Help us find advertisers to promote their products and services at our site
  • Help us find people interested in making tax deductible contributions to Save The Music
  • Help us find sponsors for worldwide contests to discover and promote new talent, new music, new versions of the old music, etc
  • Multimedia students can make a special contribution while gaining useful experience. Use your talents to make video tapes, create animation, posters or other artwork promoting Save The Music's mission
  • Computer whizzes can help by researching on the net for appropriate resources
  • Send us your ideas for developing outreach

We know you can think of more ways to help Save The Music. If we all pull together, the voice of our people will sing again and will be heard across the world on the Internet.

« Click Here to sign up as a Volunteer to Save The Music