Save The Music Version 3.0


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This site has been archived for historical purposes.

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Save the The leading collector of Jewish Music LP's in the world

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Recent Releases
These are the most recent releases we have received for its review.
What you will find here
In this place you'll find thousands of songs, as well as valuable information about their performers and composers, the era they sounded aloud, comments and history of the songs and video clips.

You'll also be able to listen to the songs and even buy the original recordings or new versions when available.

To get started, use the search utility above or the navigational menu at the left side of this page.

How can you contribute?
  1. Helping us to complete the information of the songs that already exist at (Lyrics, Singer, Composer, Biographies, Historical Information, Translations, Transliterations, etc.)

    When a song is incomplete, you will see a link like this one:

    Send us informationHelp us to complete this song's information

  2. Helping us to increase the archives. Send us your records
  3. With a monetary contribution to pay for digitization and web services.
  4. Submitting your questions, comments and suggestions.
Goals Accomplishment Meter
602 Jewish Music Videos
325 Rescued Albums 78 and 33 RPM
4187 Digitized Songs
Thanks to the generosity of our contributors we are accomplishing our goals. However, there is still much to do.

You can help us Save The Music too.

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